Most girls dream of marrying a dashing prince, and this 25-episode series allowed us to get a glimpse of how it is to be a modern-day Cinderella, the Korean way. The producers certainly made the right choice of actor to portray the prince, as Joo Ji Hoon’s stoic stare and silent demeanor are enough to emit excited squeals from its estrogen brigade of viewers. 2/3 of the show is guaranteed to inspire giggles for the sheer hilariousness of the lead actress’ antics, and several cutesy teeny bopper love scenes from the royal pair. As the koreanovela neared its ending, though, a veil of despair cloaked every episode, and can left one with a heavy feeling after watching it. But if bubbly-girl-melts-apathetic-boy stories are your cup of tea, then Princess Hours is an enjoyable way to waste, er, pass time. Although I am very dissatisfied that the ending is a bit hurried and did not do justice for the resolution of conflicts that have developed in the progression of the story…
RATING: 4 out of 5.
gusto ko to! gusto ko to! haha!
haha! ako din, super! :)
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