if not for our soc115 homework, then i don't think i would be able to read this one. this book really touched my heart and made me realize a lot of things. it reminded me to look beyond the superficial and dive into what's essential. since we belong in a very materialistic world, it's up to us if we would let ourselves be carried away by the tide of our culture or anchor ourselves and create little subcultures to protect our identity. once again, the value of family is stressed. aside from that, the book covers a lot of topics we have difficulty in dealing with like death, the meaning of life, regrets, and aging. towards the end of the book, i can't help but envy mitch for having a great teacher and friend like morrie. but it did inspire to pursue my dream of being a teacher. also, the fact that morrie is a sociologist piqued my interest, and it's amazing to read something wherein the concepts we've learned in our classes were incorporated in a story. the price i had to pay for reading this treasure is quite high: looking like a complete fool to my roommate because i was sniffing like there's no tomorrow. :)
RATING: 5 out of 5
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